![]() TM 9-6115-661-13&P
a. Disconnect power cable (12) as follows:
(1) Disconnect leads from load terminals (9) and remove from power cable sock (10).
(2) Disconnect plug end of power cable (12) from connector J2 (14).
b. Disconnect paralleling cables as follows:
(1) Disconnect paralleling cables (11) from paralleling receptacles (7) on both generator sets. Store
paralleling cable with unit B generator set.
(2) Disconnect end of cable (13) from J16 (8) on unit B generator set and remove from power cable
sock (10).
(3) Disconnect the other end of cable (13) from connector J3 (15) of the switch box located on unit A.
Store paralleling cable with unit A generator set.
2-7.3 Disconnect Ground Cable. Disconnect ground cable as follows:
a. Using slide hammer, remove ground rod as follows:
(1) Loosen clamp screw (1, figure 2-19) and remove ground cable.
(2) If disconnecting ground cable from high mobility trailer (PU-801A), perform steps (5) through (17).
For other trailers, perform steps (3) and (4) and then steps (7) through (17).
(3) Remove wing nut (2), washer (3), and terminal (4) from ground stud (5). Roll up ground cable and
store in accessory box.
(4) Install washer (3) and wing nut (2) removed in step a.(2) on ground stud (5).
(5) Loosen nut (10) on ground terminal (12) and remove ground cable (11) going to ground rod (8).
(6) Tighten nut (10) making sure that ground cable going to generator is still installed in slot of
ground terminal (12).
(7) Remove ground rod coupler (6) and ground cable clamp (7) from ground rod section (8).
(8) Install ground rod coupler (6) on ground rod section (8).
Connect nuts securely to slide hammer. Faulty connections could result in
death or serious injury.
Impact disk must be tightened to end of threads on slide hammer. Also,
lock washer and nut must be tightened firmly against impact disk. If not
tightened properly, the threads and impact disk could be damaged.
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