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Section I. GENERAL
4-1. Scope
4 - 3 . Safety
This chapter provides transportability guidance for
In addition to the safety precautions contained in
air movement of the 21/2ton, 6x6 trucks. It
presents examples of tiedown diagrams and tiedown
a. The activity offering the vehicles or items for air
data tables for loading these vehicles in US Air Force
transport will notify the aircraft commander or his
C5, C-130, and C-141 aircraft.
designated representative in the event ammunition
or explosives are to be transported within a vehicle.
b. Vehicle fuel tanks must not be more than three-
Additional cargo including nuclear weapons and/or
fourths full.
personnel within allowable load limits and restric-
tions prescribed by pertinent safety regulations can
c. The required number of tiedowns plus their
be transported with the 2-1/2-ton, 6x6 trucks in US
capacity must be checked, and the criteria for gravity
Air Force aircraft. Nonnuclear cargo may be trans-
forces, adhered to.
ported in the cargo trucks as long as none of the cargo
d. Each item must be checked carefully to ensure
protrudes above the solid metal sides of the truck bed.
that all loose items are properly secured.
Cargo carried in the bed of a cargo truck must be
e. Cargo tanks of tank trucks will be emptied and
securely tied down to prevent shifting and possible
purged before being loaded on aircraft.
damage. Cargo must be restrained in the vehicle bed
by attachment to either the vehicle or the aircraft
floor and must meet the same restraint criteria as re-
quired for the vehicle. Cargo to be stowed and secured
General cargo loads depicted in this manual
in the vehicles must not exceed the maximum rated
for US Air Force C130 and C141 aircraft are
load capacity of 2-1/2tons (5,000 pounds) or aircraft
restrained to the minimum of 8g's forward
allowable cargo load (ACL), and cargo items must be
restraint that is required when passengers or
compatible. The weight of the vehicle plus the weight
nuclear weapons cargo are carried forward of
of any cargo that it may contain must be accurate.
the general cargo. The 8g's forward restraint
The vehicle and its cargo are considered as one
may be reduced to a minimum of 3g's forward
package, and the gross weight is used to determine
restraint for general cargo when passengers
tiedown requirements in accordance with chapter 4,
or nuclear weapons are not carried forward of
FM 55-9. If the cargo truck is to carry any cargo when
the general cargo.
it is in the aircraft, the truck must be loaded and then
When passengers or nuclear weapons cargo
weighed before it is loaded in the aircraft. The weight
are carried forward of general cargo, the
of any cargo loaded on vehicles will change the center
HBU8/A (VAN ZELM) barrier net or equiv-
of gravity (CG) of the vehicles as shown in chapter
alent net on aircraft so equipped shall be posi-
2. The new CG should be determined in accordance
tioned in front of the general cargo to achieve
with chapter 5, FM 55-9. Chapters 4 and 5, FM 55-9,
a minimum of 8g's forward restraint.
contain detailed instructions for air movement of
cargo trucks. Dump trucks should not be air trans-
ported with cargo loaded in the dump bed. The struc-
tural strength of the fittings that connect the dump
bed on the truck frame may not be adequate to with-
In air loading, the center of gravity of each
stand the additional stress. When this matter is
vehicle must be determined, and where weight
resolved, guidance will be provided in a change in this
and/or measurement is critical, each vehicle
should be weighed and/or measured.
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