![]() TM 9-6115-661-13&P
Chapter 4 provides instructions covering the power unit and power plant maintenance that must be
performed at unit level. The chapter is divided into eight sections, as follows:
Section I - Repair Parts; Special Tools: Test. Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE);
and Support Equipment. This section lists references that contain the required information.
Section II - Service Upon Receipt. This section contains instructions for inspecting and servicing each
power unit and power plant when it is received. It includes instructions for unpacking the equipment
when it is received. The instructions include unpacking and stowing the basic issue items that accompany
the power unit or power plant. Also included are instructions on positioning the power unit or power
plant for operation end connecting an external fuel source.
Section III - Unit Lubrication. This section lists the applicable references that contain lubrication
instructions for the generator sets and trailers. It also contains specific lubrication instructions for the
power units or power plant components not covered in the generator set or trailer references.
Section IV - Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). This section contains
instructions covering the PMCS that must be performed at the unit maintenance level. A table provides
information on maintenance intervals and actions required.
Section V - Troubleshooting. This section covers troubleshooting procedures and corrective actions that
are to be performed at the unit maintenance level.
Section VI - Maintenance Procedures. This section lists the applicable references that cover unit
maintenance of the generator sets and trailers. It also contains detailed instructions on unit level mainte-
nance of the power unit and power plant components that are not covered in the generator set and trailer
Section VII - Administrative Storage. This section provides information on short term, intermediate
term, and long term storage.
Chapter 5 provides instructions for the maintenance actions designated to be performed at the direct
support maintenance level. The chapter is divided into three sections, as follows:
Section I - Repair Parts; Special Tools; Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment; and
Support Equipment. This section lists the documents that contain the needed information.
Section II - Troubleshooting. This section includes instructions for troubleshooting faults in the
opration of the generator switch box assenbly. It includes eight go-no-go flowcharts for eight possible
switch box malfunctions.
Section III - Maintenance Procedures. This section lists the references that contain direct support
maintenance instructions for the generator sets and trailers. In addition, it contains detailed instructions
for direct support maintenance of power unit and power plant components not covered in the generator set
and trailer references.
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