TM 9-2320-386-24-1-2
0383 00
m. Rusted Surfaces. Inspect for pitting, holes, and severe damage.
n. Oil-Bathed Internal Parts. Inspect for cracks, nicks, burrs, evidence of overheating, and wear.
o. Air-Actuated Internal Parts. Inspect for cracks, nicks, burrs, evidence of overheating, and wear.
p. Externally Exposed Parts. Inspect for breaks, cracks, rust damage, and wear.
q. Rivets. Inspect for loose, broken, and missing rivets in accordance with TM 9-450.
a. General Instructions. Repair of most parts and components is limited to general procedures
outlined in applicable maintenance instructions and the following detailed procedures, steps b through h.
Repaired items must be thoroughly cleaned to remove metal chips
and abrasives to prevent them from entering working parts of
vehicle. Special care must be taken with CTIS parts, or damage
to components may result.
b. Castings.
(1) All cracked castings will be replaced.
(2) Only minor repairs to machined surfaces, flanges, and gasket mating surfaces are permitted.
Remove minor nicks, burrs, and/or scratches with:
(a) Fine mill file.
(b) Crocus cloth dipped in Skysol-100.
(c) Lapping across a surface plate.
(3) Remachining of machined surfaces to repair damage, warpage, or uneven surfaces is not
permitted. Replace castings.
(4) Repair damaged threaded pipe plug and/or screw holes with a tap. Repair oversize holes with
threaded inserts.
d. Studs. Replace all bent and stretched studs. Repair minor thread damage with a thread die. Replace
studs having stripped or damaged threads as outlined below:
(1) Remove studs using a stud remover. Back studs out slowly to avoid heat buildup and seizure
which can cause stud to break off.
If welding method is used, refer to TM 9-237 for proper
(2) If studs break off too short to use a stud remover or a stud extractor, use welding method.
(3) Broken studs can be removed by welding bar stock or a nut to stud and removing with wrench.
(4) Standard studs may have a coarse thread on one end and a fine thread on the other end. The
coarse thread end is installed in the aluminum casting. Studs having coarse threads on both
ends are used in some applications. The shorter threaded end goes into the casting. Refer to
TM 9-2320-386-24P for correct part numbers.
(5) Replacement studs have a special coating and must have a small amount of antiseize compound
slowly to prevent heat buildup and snapping off.
0383 00-5
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