![]() TM 9-6115-663-13&P
Section I - General Information. This section provides general information about this manual and the
related forms and records. Instructions are provided for making equipment improvement
recommendations. Coverage includes a reference to the TM that contains instructions on destruction of
materiel to prevent enemy use. Also, a nomenclature cross-reference list is provided.
Section II - Equipment Description. This section describes power unit and power plant capabilities,
characteristics, and features. It provides basic equipment data and shows the locations of major power
unit and power plant components. Descriptions of the major components are also provided.
Section III - Principles of Operation. This section provides functional descriptions of the power units
and power plants.
Chapter 2 provides instructions for operating the power units and power plants. The chapter is divided
into four sections, as follows:
Section I - Description and Use of Operators Controls and Indicators. This section provides
references to the applicable generator set technical manuals and trailer technical manuals. Those
references contain information on operator's controls and indicators for the generator sets and trailers.
Detailed coverage is provided for the power plant switch box controls and indicators.
Section II - Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS). This section contains
detailed instructions for the before, during, and after operation preventive maintenance checks and
services that the operator must perform. Coverage includes all operator PMCS for the generator sets and
trailers that make up the power units and power plants. Operator PMCS for the switch box used on the
power plants is also covered.
Section III - Operation Under Usual Conditions. This section contains instructions for preparing the
power units and power plants for use and operating them under normal conditions. Coverage includes
instructions for connecting power plant load to the switch box and operating the switch box. Instructions
for connecting power unit load to the generator set are also covered. This section also covers preparation
of the power unit or power plant for movement to a new worksite.
Section IV - Operation Under Unusual Conditions. This section provides references to the applicable
generator set and trailer technical manuals.
Chapter 3 covers maintenance of the power units and power plant that is to be performed by the operator.
Its purpose is to provide you with the information you need to keep the equipment in good operating
condition. The chapter is divided into three sections, as follows:
Section I - Operator Lubrication. This section provides references to the applicable lubrication
Section II - Troubleshooting. This section provides references to the applicable generator set and trailer
technical manuals.
Section III - Maintenance Procedures. This section refers the operator to the preventive maintenance
checks and services required by section II of chapter 2.
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