![]() TM 9-2320-361-24-1
0012 00
Table 2. Starting System Troubleshooting Procedure (Contd).
4. Remove leads 11 from pins A
1. If continuity is not found, replace
and C and lead 1 from pin D.
power accessory switch
With power accessory switch
in ON position, check
new power accessory switch before
continuity between pins A and
installation. Reinstall leads 11 in
B and between pins C and D.
pins A and C. Reinstall lead 27 in pin
B and lead 1 in pin D. Attempt to
start engine (TM 9-2320-361-10).
2. If starter does not crank engine, go to
test step 5.
5. Remove lead 74A from pin B
1. If voltage is not present, go to step 6.
of start switch. With power
2. If voltage is present, perform
accessory switch in ON
continuity check on lead 74A
position, turn start switch and
3. If continuity is present, repair or
check for battery voltage at
replace lead (WP 0090 00).
pin B.
6. Remove lead 74 from pin A of 1. If voltage is not present, disconnect
lead 27 from power accessory switch
start switch, turn power
and check continuity between lead 27
accessory switch to ON
and its connection to lead 74.
position, and check for battery
voltage at pin B.
2. If continuity is not found, repair or
replace lead. Reinstall lead 74 into
pin A.
7. Attempt to start engine
If starter does not engage engine, go to
(TM 9-2320-361-10).
test step 8.
8. Remove lead 74 from pin A
1. If continuity is not found, replace
and lead 74A from pin B of
start switch (WP 0089 00).
start switch. Turn start
2. Check continuity of new switch
switch and perform continuity
before installation.
check between pins A and B.
3. Reinstall lead 74A in pin B and lead
74 in pin A.
4. Turn start switch. Starter should
turn engine.
Test 4. Check for battery voltage at
horn circuit breaker.
1. Remove lead 10 from horn
1. If battery voltage is not present, go to
circuit breaker and check
test step 2.
battery voltage on contact
2. If battery voltage is present, go to
test step 3.
2. Disconnect battery ground
1. If continuity is not present, repair or
cable (WP 0126 00).
replace leads 10 and 11 (WP 0090 00).
Disconnect leads 11 from
2. If continuity is present, reconnect
power accessory switch and
leads 10 and 11, and battery ground
check continuity of two leads
cable (WP 0126 00). Go to test step 3.
10 and lead 11.
0012 00-12
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