![]() TM 9-2320-209-34P
The following publications pertain to the
2 1/2 ton truck and its components:
TM 9-2815-204-34P DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
Repair Parts and Special Tool
Publication and Short Title
Lists for Engine, Diesel
(Multifuel): Turbocharged, Fuel-
TM 9-2320-209-20P Organizational Maintenance
I n j e c t e d , Water-Cooled, 6-
Repair Parts and Special Tool
Cylinder, Assembly (LDS-427-2)
Lists for 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6, M44A1
a n d M44A2 Series Trucks
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2815-210-34
Manual for Engine Assembly,
Diesel (Multifuel), Naturally
LO 9-2320-209-12/1 Lubrication Order for 2 1/2 Ton,
Aspirated or Turbocharged Fuel-
6x6, M44A1 and M44A2 Series
Injected, W a t e r - C o o l e d , 6-
Trucks (Multifuel)
Cylinder, and Clutches.
LO 9-2320-209-12
Lubrication Order for 2 1/2 Ton,
TM 9-2815-210-34P DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
6x6, Trucks (Gasoline Models
Repair Parts and Special Tool
Lists for Engine, Diesel
(Multifuel): Turbocharged, Fuel-
TM 9-2320-209-10/1 Operator's Manual for 2 1/2 Ton,
Injected, W a t e r - C o o l e d , 6-
6x6, M44A1 and M44A2 Series
Cylinder Assembly (LD-465-1,
Trucks (Multifuel)
LD-465- 1C, and LD-465-2), and
TM 9-2320-209-10
Operator's Manual for 2 1/2 Ton,
6x6 Trucks (Gasoline Models
DS and GS Maintenance Manual
TM 9-2910-226-34
(Including Repair Parts and
Special Tools List), Pump,
TM 9-2320-209-20/1 Organizational Maintenance
M e t e r i n g , and Distributing
Manual for 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6,
M44A1 and M44A2 Series Trucks
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2920-214-35
Organizational Maintenance
TM 9-2320-209-20
Manual (Including DS, GS and
Manual for 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Trucks
Depot Maintenance Repair Parts)
(Gasoline Models Only)
for Generator Assembly, Delco-
Remy Model
TM 9-2320-209-34
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
Manual for 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6,
DS and GS Maintenance Manual:
TM 9-2920-225-34
M44A1 and M44A2 Series Trucks
Generator Engine Accessory, AC,
Prestolite and Leece-Neville
Models; Regulator, Generator,
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2320-209-35
Leece-Neville Model
Manual for 2 1/2 Ton, 6x6 Trucks
(Gasoline Models Only)
TM 9-2920-225-34P DS and GS Maintenance Repair
Field and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2805-222-35
Parts and Special Tool Lists:
Manual: Engine (Reo Model OA-
Generator, Engine Accessory,
331) and Clutch
Prestolite and Leece-Neville
Field and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2805-222-34P
Repair Parts and Special Tools
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2920-236-35
List for Gasoline Engine with
Manual (Including DS, GS and
Accessories, Reo Model OA-331
Depot Maintenance Repair Parts)
for Starter, Engine, Electrical,
TM 9-2815-204-35
Field and Depot Maintenance
Auto-Lite Model
Manual for Engine, Diesel/ Multi-
fuel): Turbosupercharged, Fuel-
DS, GS and Depot Maintenance
TM 9-2920-242-35
I n j e c t e d , Water-Cooled, 6-
Manual (Including Repair Parts)
Cylinder Assembly, (LDS-427-2),
f o r Starter,
and Clutch, Assembly
Assembly, Delco-Remy Model
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