![]() TB 9-2320-318-14
Items requiring special handling, storage or
Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). The
shipment during the processing of claims shall be
manufacturer's lubrication and service intervals
must be followed. Only after the warranty has
expired will AOAP apply to this equipment, unless
d. Disposition. The repair activity shall return
oil sample results indicate the oil and filter of an
defective supplies to the Contractor's
assembly should be changed "PRIOR" to the
representative or ship them back at contractor
manufacturer's service interval. Sampling
expense using the replacement part
intervals for AOAP will be published in TB 43-0210
carton/container. If the contractor does not claim
(if applicable).
defective supplies within thirty (30) days of
shipment of the replacement parts, defective
supplies may be disposed of locally.
Claim Procedures.
e. Invalid Warranty Claims. When supplies
a. The procedures for reporting warranty claims are
are inspected by the Contractor and found to be
found in DA PAM 738-750 The Army Maintenance
non-warrantable, or the supplies are found to be
Management System (TAMMS) and this Technical
serviceable, the repair activity submitting the claim
Bulletin. Responsibilities of the Major Army Command
will be required to make reimbursement for
(MACOM) are found in AR 700-139 Army Warranty
Contractor supplied material and shipping services.
Program, Concepts and Policies. Units should use DA
All failed items returned for warranty claim action
Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1 for making warranty
will be monitored by TACOM.
claims. It is very important to fill in the blocks on the
forms as accurately as possible.
7. Claim Denials/Disputes. TACOM will handle all
denials or disputes.
b. The Contractor shall be notified in writing,
includes electronic mail (m.esker@ssss.com) utilizing
8. Reporting. Reporting or recording action on a
DA Form 2407 by the local WARCO following the
failed item shall be as specified in DA PAM 738-750
discovery of a defect in supplies which requires
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
Contractor replacement parts. This shall constitute
Forms that are unique to the Contractor or Repair
formal notification of a warranty claim. The
Activity shall not be used.
notification shall include the requirements listed in
completed warranty claims (Information Only) to
a. Storage. Not applicable.
c. Identification of Failed Items. Failed
warranty items shall be tagged/identified to prevent
improper repair or use. Documents that describe the
use of DA Form 2402 Exchange Tag and DA Form
2407 Maintenance Request shall be referenced.
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