LO 9-2320-386-12
Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC).
Cleaning. Keep all external parts of equipment not
Corrosion prevention and control (CPC) of Army
requiring lubrication free of lubricants. Before
lubricating equipment, clean fittings. Use drycleaning
materiel is a continuing concern. It is important that
solvent, Type II (SD-2) (P-D-680) biodegradable, to
corrosion problems are reported so they can be
wipe all lubrication points free of dirt and grease. Dry
corrected and improvements can be made to prevent
before lubricating. After servicing lubrication points,
future problems.
wipe off excess lubricants to prevent accumulation of
While corrosion is typically associated with rusting of
foreign matter.
metals, it can also include deterioration of other
Table I. Interval and Lubrication Key.
materials, such as rubber and plastic. Unusual
cracking, softening, swelling, or breaking of these
The following is a list of service intervals, abbrevia-
tions, and keys, appearing in this LO.
materials may be a corrosion problem.
If a corrosion problem is identified, it can be reported
using Standard Form 368, Product Quality Deficiency
Report. Use of key words such as corrosion, rust,
deterioration, or cracking will ensure that the
information is identified as a CPC problem.
The form should be submitted to the address specified
in DA PAM 738-750.
Oil Filters. Oil filters shall be serviced/cleaned/
changed/ as applicable, when:
1. They are known to be contaminated or
2. Service is recommended by AOAP
laboratory analysis, or
3. Prescribed hard-time intervals are
AOAP Requirements. Sample oil from all oil-wet
components every 60 days or 1,000 miles (1,609
km). Reserve and National Guard units should
perform oil sampling every 120 days or 1,000 miles
(1,609 km). In the event AOAP laboratory support is
not available, on-condition (OC) hard-time intervals
may be applied.
Lubricating oil,
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and will
combustion engine,
not be used near open flame. Use only in
well-ventilated places. Failure to do so
tactical (Mll-L-2104)
may result in injury to personnel.
Lubricating oil, gear, multi-
Keep all lubricants in a closed container
purpose (MIL-L-2105)
and store in a clean, dry place, away
Brake fluid, silicone
from extreme heat. Failure to do so may
result in injury to personnel.
Grease, automotive and
artillery (MIL-G-10924)
Keep container covers clean and allow no dust, dirt,
Lubricating oil, internal
or other foreign material to mix with lubricants. Keep,
combustion engine, arctic
all lubrication equipment clean and ready to use.
Lubricating oil, chain,
exposed gear, and
Man hours have not been established.
wire rope (VV-L-751)
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